Last stylus preservative...anyone still use it?

I still use the Last Stylus preservative...and I think it well could be the reason that my long in the tooth Benz Ruby 2 is still making beautiful music.....20 years down the road! 
Anyone else like and use Last..or another similar product, like Lyra SPT?
Excellent products across the board. I use stylast and the record preservative.
I bought a bottle of Stylast, Last Stylus Treatment, System Formula 5 a couple (?) years back and haven't used one drop after I read this thread:

Don't think I'll ever use it.  Don't know why I keep it.
some liquid cleaners can do damage Abucktwoeighty but when cartridge manufactures tell you to use a lubricant, I believe it. I don't think the OP was talking about cleaners as yes some chemical cleaners can do harm but a lubricant can save your stylist over time.  
  I was thinking about putting lube on the stylus, then thought that it's a minute layer between the groove and the stylus, and wondered if it takes a minute amount of signal away.  Kind of like putting a thin piece of plastic wrap around a microphone, as an extreme analogy.
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