$10k DAC in a 3k system?

Hello all,

Ive owned the same audio rig for 8 years or so (Rega Mira 3 amp> Rega RS5 speakers) 

My source into the Mira3 amp is a headless fanless micro windows7pc I built running jrivermc> musichall Dax 25.3

i am reading some phenomenal things about some of these Dacs in the 10K range ( Chord Dave, Ayre, Lampizator,PS Audio, etc).

My question is a simple one: the other pieces of my system sound great to me, but are at a much lower price point collectively than one of the dacs mentioned above. Do I need to be concerned about my Amp/speakers being fast/dynamic enough to facilitate a Dac like the Dave? Or could I plug a top notch Dac like that into my system and hear the same things I've heard described in the reviews (but on a relative level) ?

thanks in advance for any insight!
@paul79 ,
We have no idea what your system consists of. Would you mind sharing?
Post removed 
I guess I always assumed that the source is the most important part of the chain, as that is where the signal comes from.

@dla123 , there are those who feel that the source is the most important link in a stereo system chain, as you do.
Others, like @shadorne , consider the speakers to be the most important link.
Some feel that the amp is the most important link, others the preamp, while others yet may feel that cables are the most important link.

Then there are others, like myself, who feel that a balanced system works the best.

The point is that no one is right, and no one is wrong.
It's your money, spend it however you want to.

Don't let anyone else tell you what flavor ice cream will be your favorite.

If you must spend $10,000 get speakers that knock you out. Speakers contribute more to the sound of your system than any other component or combination of components. The right power amp with the speaker is also very important