Denafrips Terminator R2R Multibit, ultimate pcm redbook converter??

Maybe the ultimate PCM (RedBook) converter? Sure looks the goods.

Cheers George

the best Machines for Red Book is Ultra Analog/ PCM 63 Dacs from the 90th.
Sonic Frontiers /Spectral/Theta /Monarchy...etc sounds really good to my Ears.

Best Regards,
P..S The Soekris is real good for the Money...
So the unknown question is how good is the Terminator compared to everything else?  Not enough people have it yet, but from reading Headfi, there are some people with it on the way.  The lower end Denafrip is getting high praise though, so it would stand to reason the Terminator is pretty good based on how good the lower end model performs
Ultra Analog/  PCM 63 Dacs

Ther are also R2R Multibit dacs.

Cheers George
I wonder if somebody has a list of the different R2R multibit dacs and maybe average price and or links.



Here in this Thread are Many Dacs listed...
Yes..i love this Chips combinated with a Tube Output stage.
Best Regards,