Allnic 1201 and Herron VTPH-2

I am seeking information on the characteristics of the Allnic 1201 and the Herron VTPH-2 phonostages . This is not a 'which one is better' type of question . I believe that both of these PS's are fine products in their own right .

What I would like to know , from those that have experience with both , is what are the differing characteristics of each unit .

I want use this information to make a decision as to which one to purchase for my VPI Prime and Ortofon 2m Black .

Thank You

"Please provide the sources for the reviews related to the Allnic vs. Herron transformers. Did any of the reviews cite the superior performance of the Herron or did they focus on the transformers? "

bpoletti-my response is only a personal estimation . My speculation reading the company info and reviews, over the years. The Allnic technically, has transformer 
design implementation that suggests it may have thing over the Herron?

My poorly constructed statement may suggest the Allnic is a better product,which I have no personal experience using either. Only have heard both on separate occasion, and different setups. Should have mentioned this initially.

I think the OP will be splitting hairs here, and personally would urge a move up to a LOMC with such an upgrade.

Aesthetically, the Allnic would get my vote. Whichever unit, it  BETTER look good also!

Al is correct. I have owned both of these excellent phono stages, though I had them in different systems at different times and thus cannot comment on precise head-to-head similarities and differences between the two. I thought both of them were, in the context of each system, extremely musical and great values, especially if you find one that has been gently used and well cared for.

As Al mentioned, the Herron will give you more flexibility with regard to loading and the range of cartridges you can use with it, and Keith Herron is terrific to work with if something comes up.

On the other hand, the Allnics tend to come up a little more often and for a few hundred bucks less than the Herron, and if you choose your cartridge wisely, you'll likely find--as many of us have--that the Allnic is a stellar performer.

Sorry I can't give you a clearer answer to your question, but I can say without any reservation that these are two outstanding phono stages. I don't think you could possibly go wrong with either. It just might come down to how much you value the added flexibility of the Herron, or which you prefer in terms of appearance. Sonically, both are superior performers, in my opinion.


You specifically said " The Allnic, based on all the reviews, has the superior transformer and associated circuitry."   That isn't statement construction.  So where are ALL the reviews that you are citing?  Where are ANY of the reviews you are citing?  Without specifically supporting that statement, the rest of your post would seem to have similar credibility.

You also write that you have no experience with either the Herron or the Allnic.  That kills the credibility and value of your entire comment string.  So why did you even bother to post anything?

Some really nice responses !

Almarg ;

Thanks for the technical info...always important but frequently overlooked !

The web states that my integrated is 100k ohms .That looks good for the Herron . How about the Allnic ? At 1.2k , that is quite a jump .

Waltersalas ;

Very insightful , it kind of coincides with what I have been thinking . Thank you for chiming in .

analogluvr ;

Can you expand on your ’fet better than transformer’ statement , please ?

Testpilot ;

We all have crosses to bear ! LOL .

Very good responses...please keep them coming .

Thank you all .

The web states that my integrated is 100k ohms .That looks good for the Herron . How about the Allnic ? At 1.2k , that is quite a jump .
Great on both counts! And in fact I doubt that any reasonably well designed phono stage would have a problem driving 100K.

Also, as a point of information, if I am correct in believing that the output stage of the Allnic is transformer coupled, per my earlier comment it would probably be able to handle lowish load impedances (e.g., 15 to 25K or so) better than the Herron, even though the Allnic’s specified output impedance (1.2K) is higher than the Herron’s (400 ohms). That is because what matters when output impedance is high enough to be a significant fraction of load impedance is how much **variation** in the output impedance occurs across the frequency range. And generally a transformer coupled output stage will have relatively little variation as a function of frequency. While capacitively coupled output stages (such as I presume the Herron uses) will often have substantial rises in output impedance at deep bass frequencies, to well above their specified nominal values. (The impedance of a capacitor rises as frequency decreases).  That is presumably why Keith Herron recommends a load impedance of at least 30K and preferably 50K or more, as I stated earlier.

On the other hand, though, if output impedance is particularly high at high frequencies (high frequency output impedance usually being fairly similar to the specified nominal output impedance) its interaction with cable capacitance can potentially have adverse effects in the upper treble region, if the combination of the length of the cable and the capacitance per unit length of the particular cable type results in high overall capacitance. That can occur even if there is no variation in output impedance as a function of frequency. But that situation arises much less frequently than the effects that can arise in the bass region as a result of the interaction of the low frequency impedance rise of a capacitively coupled tube output stage with a heavy (numerically low) load impedance. And an output impedance of 1.2K is low enough to avoid any such effects on the treble unless the cable length is much longer than would normally be used in a home setup.

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al