Subwoofer for classical music listener

This is my second post on the subject of subwoofers.
My first post wasn't specific enough.
I listen to classical music 90% of the time.
Are there any classical music listeners out there who have subwoofers?
if there are, could you let me know what you have?
i don't imagine I would need quite as powerful or expensive a sub as those who mainly listen to other types of music, but I may be wrong.


I have been using an SVS model SB13-Ultra subwoofer for about 2 years and it works very well with classical and other music,  I set the crossover very low and I use the sub just to pick up the "rumble" to give the music a "floor,"  or "in the hall feeling."   It can adjust the output to get just as much base as I want.  In 2 years I have never re-adjusted the output setting because it seems to work with all my music.  I have used it with several speakers,  including Magnepan 1.7, Thiel CS 2.7, Quads, and YG Carmels and Kipods.  It has been splendid with all speakers that I have tried.  SVS is seldom discussed but I believe they produce an excellent sub in the SB-Ultra series.

"I have since upgraded to the new No25 model and plan on adding a second one when funds permit.,

quiltzig- If I were so fortunate, I would bow to No25, before a listening session. BRAVO!

I have only seen No 25, haven’t heard a system with. No doubt its a fine sub.

My ancient pair B3’s do the job, but if my system at such a level, I’d have FOUR...2 behind the listening area, equidistant as my own.

About the only thing a i wish REL still did is offer a nice veneer. My subs are cherry with matching Mapleshade 4" slabs/ brass footers.

No 25 would be stunning is a beautiful exotic veneer$$. I would still swap those stock footers though, just my thing.

I was thinking of painting my REL Q108 (It's currently grey) in Gulf auto racing colors, or maybe covering it with fake fur. Tiny mirrors like a disco ball, or a faux Louis Vuitton finish so it looks like a hat box. 
God bless some of you who described the short-coming of subwoofers perfectly.  

I have my share of struggles with them for years.  My current preference is I would not consider to own a pair of speakers if they need subwoofers.   The cost of getting outstanding subwoofers far exceed the additional money to spend more on getting full-range main speakers.