Which server / renderer to buy?

I listen mostly to rock and jazz using a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum with KT120 power tubes.  I listen to both vinyl and digital.  My digital streams my music library or Tidal via ethernet CAT6a from my iMac to a W4S modified SONOS Connect thru a Schiit Audio Gungnir Multi-bit ("Gumby") DAC.  My speakers are Spatial Audio M3 Turbo S with a Paradigm sub.  My room is 17' x 24', but I listen close up - 10' from the speakers / speakers 3' from the wall.  I'm considering an upgrade of the SONOS because I would like to stream hi-res and have greater capacity (my library is larger than the SONOS metadata capacity).  I'm thinking about the Aurender N100H.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.
I liked the Auralic Aries better than the aurender's and purchased it. I had it hooked up to my external w4s dac 2 dsd. Much better than the Mac mini server with audirvana 2. I have since sold the Auralic Aries and purchased the ps audio directstream with bridge ii. This eliminates the use of a USB from music server to dac
I use USB from my Antipodes DS GT to my Rowland Aeris DAC. I prefer it over my previous Bryston BDP2 and Aeris DAC connected via AES. Antipodes prefers a USG connection, so in my case I don't understand the issue with USB from music server to DAC?
Thank you all.  I realize from all these helpful posts that the way to go in digital is very far from consistent among audiophiles and the audiophile press.  The articles I've been reading make my head spin - too many options, I suppose.  I should have stated in my initial post that I am trying to find something as plug and play as my SONOS.  I had been watching a YouTube video on ripping CDs to a Bryston unit and it looked like a nightmare getting the metadata right.  I've heard that raspberry pi and the like (Bryston) are tough to optimize.  Ricred, is the Antipodes easy to use?  Rbstehno, how do you like the PS Audio DirectStream?  Williewonka, yes 24/192 is my focus.  In regard to the Blue Sound, I'm not sure it would be a quantum leap from my modded SONOS.  Thanks again, everyone.

I’m not sure why you are using the Sonos at all? I use a small form Asus Vivo PC that outputs optical to my dac. I know its not PMC ready but I do have the usb for that (i know your trying to get away from that). I’m just wondering what the Sonos connect does for you other then add another box in the chain. I would assume the mac will do similar if not maybe its the week link and a dedicated music server is the better choice.

I stream Tidal / Roon from the PC app on my Vivo PC and the PC connects to my network and NAS so I don’t need another box.

I do like the Blue sound node 2 for simplicity and user interface so I may go that way maybe that’s something to look at. I listened to a blue sound vault two as well as a Sonos in my system as my friends shop sells both and the Blue sound vault 2 is far better then the sonos for sound.

I'd be interested to see what you end up with as i'm also considering a Digital change / upgrade.