Yes, mofojo, Eric was quite open about the brand of caps and coils your $300 got you. So not quite sure where audioman is getting the impression this is all guarded information.
Teajay, I also noted my original review that the DI's do a very nice job of conveying a sense of the venue of the performance. I would be surprised if the Ulfs can't discriminate in this regard. As others have stated makes one question either room/placement issues or associated gear. If that's not the case....well,I'd keep my DI's.
Teajay, I also noted my original review that the DI's do a very nice job of conveying a sense of the venue of the performance. I would be surprised if the Ulfs can't discriminate in this regard. As others have stated makes one question either room/placement issues or associated gear. If that's not the case....well,I'd keep my DI's.