Will power cable work well as speaker cable?

The reason I'm asking is I'm trying to find oyaide tunami nigo speaker cable in the U.S. & nobody has it. This is supposed to be the same as the tunami power cord with the exception of the ground. VH audio has the power cable. I've made a couple of these using Neotec connectors & am thoroughly impressed with it as power cable. Hearing things I've never heard before in amazing clarity. VH audio (which BTW is a great company) does have Oyaide Across 2000 they sell in bulk for speaker cable. Anyone using that? If so what are your thoughts?
Well, I am going off specifics,  but I think still on subject... I have some solid core 10/5 romex that I have been contemplating trying..... Anyone been there as far as trying power cable for speakers?  
timlub, I searched "romex" in the archives & got over 1200 results. I didn't look for 10/5 romex, but it may be there.  
I've not tried it, but I've read many anecdotes that proclaim Romex to be an amazing speaker cable. But a bear to get into place. If you do use your 10/5 Romex, (you sure about that? 5 conductors plus a ground? I've never heard of that..) don't use the whole thing, just strip the conductors out that you need. 2 for regular cables, 4 for biwire. You might even want to try a helix configuration, based on williewonka's post above..
@toddverrone   Yep,  I was going to use a twist of 2 for positive and 2 for negative.... I've got about 30 feet of it or if you look at it another way,  I have 5 -  30 ft runs of solid core 10 guage.  I've had it for a couple of years... I still don't have one of those little round tuits.