"BO1972 you must be quite a site at audio shows to be giggling in the back of the room at setups established by proven professionals in the field
And now the real facts. In almost 20 years we often asked to manufacturers and distributers simple questions. They were not able to answer.
I will give you a few simple examples:
When you create a loudspeaker who is able to create a wide and deep stage. It would be normal to use an amp and source what can create it as well.
Many systems these days on audioshows have a very limited level in diversity. When I talk to distributers and clients they all react the same way. They all miss the intensity and emotion of music.
There are so many examples in the last 20 years where people were using 2-dimensional amps and sources.
Loudspeaker who are not on the same line and with a different level of how they inward the speakers are common these days. These are only the basis parts.
It depends in what you want to believe. I aksed many manufacturers if they have any idea what the properties and quality is of their competitors and other parts in the systems they used at shows.
I was surprised that often they had no idea. You don't understand the real meaning of insult. Creating the highest level in quality for customers is the most social and honest way to do audio.
Manufacturers have to do it the same way. Many audio systems at shows are being created on political choices. I met different manufactuers who were honest to admitt this.
When you want to give consumers a higher level in sound quality you need to change audio as it is done at this moment.
For example: the CES this year was a lot smaller than in 2016. Many people are often dissapointed in shows. So when you want the next generation to be interested in audio. You need to give them a higher quality than what is there is at this moment.
I hope people in audio will learn to look further. It has notnhing to do with insult. When you think it is based on that, it proves how limited the people are who feel it this way.
Our goal is to give more people a higher level in quality and emotion.
S.A.P.-measurement will create a good result in each single room. Even in a room with the worst acoustics I ever heard we had great results.
And now the real facts. In almost 20 years we often asked to manufacturers and distributers simple questions. They were not able to answer.
I will give you a few simple examples:
When you create a loudspeaker who is able to create a wide and deep stage. It would be normal to use an amp and source what can create it as well.
Many systems these days on audioshows have a very limited level in diversity. When I talk to distributers and clients they all react the same way. They all miss the intensity and emotion of music.
There are so many examples in the last 20 years where people were using 2-dimensional amps and sources.
Loudspeaker who are not on the same line and with a different level of how they inward the speakers are common these days. These are only the basis parts.
It depends in what you want to believe. I aksed many manufacturers if they have any idea what the properties and quality is of their competitors and other parts in the systems they used at shows.
I was surprised that often they had no idea. You don't understand the real meaning of insult. Creating the highest level in quality for customers is the most social and honest way to do audio.
Manufacturers have to do it the same way. Many audio systems at shows are being created on political choices. I met different manufactuers who were honest to admitt this.
When you want to give consumers a higher level in sound quality you need to change audio as it is done at this moment.
For example: the CES this year was a lot smaller than in 2016. Many people are often dissapointed in shows. So when you want the next generation to be interested in audio. You need to give them a higher quality than what is there is at this moment.
I hope people in audio will learn to look further. It has notnhing to do with insult. When you think it is based on that, it proves how limited the people are who feel it this way.
Our goal is to give more people a higher level in quality and emotion.
S.A.P.-measurement will create a good result in each single room. Even in a room with the worst acoustics I ever heard we had great results.