When I use the words; they think like a child I mean that they say things what comes into their heads without a good foundation.
We create sound and don't sell boxes and products like the most people do.
My biggest passion in life is music and I want others to have the same level in emotion and intensity at their house.
Trial and error has proven that it seldom makes people happy for a long period of time. It also proofs that hoe ineffective the endresults are.
People who don't want to read this, will have the need to make remarks. It is that predictable.
I spoke with many people who also work in audio about trial and error. They all agreed that it is rather ineffective. What do you wan to hear? The truth or the thing you would like to hear.
If you are in the last part you never will reach the level you would like to get.
We create sound and don't sell boxes and products like the most people do.
My biggest passion in life is music and I want others to have the same level in emotion and intensity at their house.
Trial and error has proven that it seldom makes people happy for a long period of time. It also proofs that hoe ineffective the endresults are.
People who don't want to read this, will have the need to make remarks. It is that predictable.
I spoke with many people who also work in audio about trial and error. They all agreed that it is rather ineffective. What do you wan to hear? The truth or the thing you would like to hear.
If you are in the last part you never will reach the level you would like to get.