Oswaldsmillaudio, ever heard of it.

Like most hobbyists, I'm always looking for some new company, at least new to me, that I've not seen or heard of before. Such is the case with Oswaldsmillaudio.
They are a full service company, apparently, in that they offer systems front to back, turntables included. They specialize in some very interesting designs of tube amplification, paired with their own Horn Speaker designs that appear as much as art work as loudspeaker designs... I'd say that to the casual (me) observer, that that's a fair assessment. Very, very interesting. 
If someone is more familiar with them, please tell us more. They're certainly worth a visit.
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I've participated in the annual tube tasting weekends.  As Whart mentioned, definitely not mainstream, but lots and lots of fun.

Jonathan is a really good guy.