Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp

Hello everyone, I have question that I hope some of you either can answer or have an opinion on. Ever since I was 17, I have always wanted to own Audio Research equipment. I’m 56 now, and finally was able to fulfill my life long dream. My first acquisition was an ARC LS15 pre-amp bought here used in mint condition. I paired it with a Vincent 331MK hybrid amp also bought here used in mint condition. The resulting sound was impressive. After that, I started looking for an ARC amp I could afford. The resulting search found me an ARC VS115 amp also here in used, awesome condition. This is where my problems and my doubts started. Upon hooking up the amp to my system, a tube in the left channel arced and blew a resistor. I had to take the amp to an ARC dealer and he installed a new resistor and suggested I buy all new tubes from ARC for the amp. I did and when I got back home, I again hooked up the amp and immediately upon turning the amp on, I started to hear thumping sounds coming from my left speaker, then, two left channel output tubes started to glow a very bright orange, and then white smoke started to rise from one of the tube sockets. I immediately turned the amp off. I called the dealer and he suggested I mail the unit back to ARC. I did and I am now waiting to see what they say.

During this time, I started to search out other brands and came across one called PrimaLuna. I have watched their videos and seen them compared to ARC equipment. Their build quality seems to be superior to ARC and the reviews are over the top. I am looking at their Dialogue Premium HP amp and their Dialogue Premium pre-amp. For what they cost, considering how they are built and supposedly sound compared to units costing 3 to 4 times their price, they almost seem too good to be true. Anyway, my bubble has been burst, and in simple terms, I am considering jumping ship and going with another company instead of ARC, despite all those years of drooling and waiting.

My main question is this, is there anyone out there that either owns PrimaLuna or has had experience with the equipment and can give me their opinion on owning and using it. Then, my second question is how does PrimaLuna really compare to other high end equipment such as ARC. Kevin Deal in his videos on PrimaLuna makes a very compelling case for the equipment. In one video, he compares an ARC LS17SE to the PrimaLuna pre-amp.

My last question is in regards to my ARC VS115 amp problems. Anyone have an opinion on what is going on with my amp or a VS115 in general. For those of you who want to know what else is in my system, I am using KEF 104ab speakers, a Cambridge Azur 752BD Blu-ray player as my CD player, Morrow Audio Cables and I am considering getting the Sony HAP-Z1ES music player for my digital files.

I greatly appreciate all who take the time to comment and give their opinions. I will be glad to answer any questions you may ask or provide additional. Thanks for your help. Steve.

You can’t "demo" an amp at a store. Or a preamp. There is only one way to really make a comparison and that is level-matched, and hot, playing the exact same music. That’s how we do it. The aural memory isn’t good enough. I have really good ears and tons of experience. I can’t do it, and people that think doing it any other way are fooling themselves.

I respectfully disagree. Just not practical or even meaningful. You have to intently listen for three-four weeks to one and then to the other and rely on your gut as to which made you happier.  Two months with one and then the other and then switching back and then vice-versa is even better. 

As to the ARC house-sound, most including me would describe it as big, in-your-face, not overly tube-y but wonderful midrange, a bit forgiving or shelved down in the high treble, and except for the very top shelf stuff, a bit soft on leading transcients in the low bass. Very detailed in a non-fatiguing fashion living up to the "High Definition" moniker.

@fsonicsmith , well said ~ "Very detailed in a non-fatiguing fashion living up to the "High Definition" moniker". 

I've heard the  LS28/VT80 combo with Wilson Audio Sabrina's at LAAS. Very very nice; I dream about that combo a bit too obsessively. The source was the ARC Ref CD9 and a TT. Both sounded wonderful. The "High Definition" moniker is very accurate for sure. And the system was non-fatiguing as noted above; you could hear very deeply into the music and I really found that quite compelling & emotional.
Wow! I see this discussion is STILL going on.

Watches? I get the "hobbyist" and "status" thing. I ride a bicycle that cost as much as a used car.

At the risk of sounding like a PL fanboy, I believe there's possibly an anti "made in China" bias thing in this thread.

Sonics is what it boils down to, and its subjective.

Kevin, PM me if you do organize that showdown. I'm local and certainly would like to hear what separates the 2, sonically.

I believe one WILL produce more convincing music, but how wide is the gap?
And for HOW MUCH$$??

I hear you-one Sasha White built custom Speedvagen with Campy Record and Enve wheels and one Rob English custom built with Campy Record and Enve wheels. Could have gone Super Record but I had to show some restraint. Both weigh right around 15 lbs.

Arrange the comparison and I will do my best to show up.