I have a set of Apogee Stages that I am going to be selling because I am going down to just a HT system and removing the 2 channel setup. I have been really slow to sell the Stages since they have almost no use on them and I LOVE the openness. I know the Stages are different than the Duetta, but did you feel the Sigmas sounded better than the Apogees?
I spoke to Eric on the SIgmas because I wanted a pair at the price he is selling them at but since I am going to just HT did not have a place to put them. I got the Impression from Eric that the Sigma sound was different than the DI/Hulfberht sound.
If you move to the DI you'll have to let us know how different the sound really is. Eric characterized the Sigma to be a 2 channel class A type speaker. Not 100% sure what that meant, but I took it to mean less dynamic (movie soundtracks) and more musical, but much music also requires dynamic attacks, so really not sure what to make of the sound difference.