$10K-15K short list?

Hi all,

I have a budget of $10K-$15K for a pair of full range towers. I am open to used or new.

What should be on my short list to audition or consider?

Currently have a Mcintosh amp/system.
Hi all,

Thanks so much for pointing in the right direction. As I mentioned before, my knowledge of the market, equipment, and quality is very outdated as I have not stayed in tune with this hobby for the past 10 years. You guys have introduced a lot of brands that I wasn't familiar with.

There have been some questions about the size of my room. Currently my room is the family room, which has open spaces into the kitchen and a stairwell to the upper section of the townhouse. The room is roughly 14'x20'. Of course I don't expect to live in a townhouse forever and would love to purchase a house one day (living in the Bay Area is very expensive). I generally buy equipment that outlasts my living spaces. For example the Salk Sound speakers that I had lasted 10 years through three apartments, and into 5 years into my current townhouse. Long story short is that if I'm going to spend $15K on speakers, I want them to last 10+ years and move them into a new house in the future, which room dimensions would be unknown.
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Understood about moving up in Salks. Just want to make sure I'm considering all options given all the changes in the industry in the past 10 years.
I  seldom reply to subjective posts simply because what I think should be on someones short list doesn't matter.
Plus how can any one answer without knowing your room all associated equipment and music genre .
However, it just so happens that today I heard Devore 0/96 ,Wilson Benesch Vectors and of course I must through in my Horning Aristotles.
All within your price range and sound exceptional.
All should do very well in most rooms except maybe a great room.
Of the three I hate to say this but I think the Vectors would be my choice.
I have a pair coming for home audition and if it works with my components and room and can reproduce sound to my bias' better then my Horning's I will be buying them
@ricred1 ,
Point noted and that makes sense.

You have the EXACT thoughts that I do. A $10-$15k loudspeakers should last 10+years, more maybe. That is why it is difficult for me to lock to my next upgrade. I will take more efforts to hear some more. Been doing that for the past 2 years. But hopefully this summer, the search should end. Good luck in your search and keep this thread updated with your search.