Tachyons?? Really?

Well if Quantum wasn't enough, we now have products with Tachyons (hypothetical sub atomic particles). What's going to be next?

Hey, I've got a cable that uses Hawking Radiation as a gain source for people with passive preamps.

Maybe we should have some kind of alert system like Amber and Silver on the highway. We could call it a Brown Alert. It will be used when someone is trying to sell you a complete line of BS.
Hey, pal, Superman already did it a long time ago when he flew around the world a bunch of times faster than the speed of light so he could go back in time and save Lois Lane. Duh!

What's next, Pachyons? Elephants that can go faster than the speed of light?

I think elephants use a Teleportation device. Geoff, I wouldn't start throwing too many stones.
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