I and you can ask to audiophiles ( even today professional reviewers ) in this board what were their knowledge levels on the precise and critical understanding the different cartridge/pivoted tonearm alignments in the middle of 60's early 70's.
Which kind of true accurate protractors were they using and what level of accuracy had the own tonearm pick-ups? and not only that but in how many of those vintage protractors they read a precise explanation of the importance of accuracy on that st up or the type of alignment the protractor showed or in the case of tonearm manufacturers that explained it along the protractor accuracy its protractor had?
In which of those protractors came perfectly explained that what the audiophile has to align is the cantilever and not the cartridge sides?
Even in 2015 M.Fremer when was " talking " of the tonearm cartridge importance of precise set up posted ( somewhere. ):
If you buy a ‘table that’s been pre-drilled and fitted with a secondary manufacturer’s arm, it’s a good idea to check the P2S distance either by using a protractor that has a measuring beam (Feickert, Dennesen, etc.) or if you don’t have one of those, by using a ruler marked in millimeters....................................................................................
Fortunately, there is some room to compensate for P2S distance error here in the form of head shell slots........ """"
imagine how good could be the today clear understanding on the subject by us audiophiles ( not you. You are an " expert ". ) when MF has that kind of misunderstood and in this thread there are clear examples of different kind of misunderstood by more than one gentleman that posted here.
Of course that for you is very clear where is that MF misunderstood, rigth?
Anyway, I re-read twice your two posts here and just can´t find out your " expert " level on the alignment pivot tonearm subject.
You only post part of stereo recording history but you did not shared nothing on the pivot tonearm alignment subject, that's what I'm talking in my last posts.
So, what are you talking about? what do you want to prove and where are precise facts that can prove what you think (?) can prove?
Please show us who you are ! ? ! ? ! ?. Every day is a learning day.
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,