Oldest gear still for sale is . . .

Some gear seem to last, others, not so much. 

Can anyone think of anything hifi thats been in production longer than the Denon DL-103 cartridge? 55 years and still plugging away! Kennedy was in the White House when he DL-103 first came out- 
For a number of us, I think our memories move forward after the birth of 2 channel, and the great companies who delivered the goods. Our age directly effects our memories, so I have often wondered whose parents out there were actually audiophiles? We both own old McIntosh tuners (MR71/MR78), but does anyone talk about the MR65, for example? Remembering mono, and coming up short trying, because I was too young to know.

With some resurgence of mono these days, especially on the analog side, it would be interesting to also find out what gear is still working and excelled in sound from back then. Some of us like putting together old classical systems, but I'd be fascinated in learning about golden age mono gear and systems as well.

Dweller, I thought of tubes, but those are just parts. So, no, not what I was thinking of. 

Yogiboy, I thought of the MC275 but that's gone through a lot of changes, plus it had been discontinued. So what in thinking of, continuous and unchanged. But yes, the Mac275 is long lived. 

Ebm, it's not important. None of this is important