Craigl59 7-16-2017
There’s another way to look at power and the DIs. Eric specifies the power handling of the speakers at 400 watts. That’s what I use to judge how large an amplifier is required.
I would respectfully but emphatically disagree with the use of the word "required." A more appropriate interpretation, IMO, would be that the specification of "400 watt power handling" provides a rough ballpark indication of the maximum amplifier power capability that is recommended as being reasonable for use with this speaker.
Also, as Mac alluded to, for a given amplifier type and topology it can be expected that everything else being equal more amplifier watts = more amplifier $. Therefore for a given amplifier budget paying for watts that will not be utilized would in general mean that a higher percentage of that budget than necessary will go toward watts rather than sound quality.
One of the reasons I chose my Daedalus Ulysses speakers, which like the DI have a very benign impedance curve, fairly high sensitivity, and high power handling capability ("recommended power 5 to 300 watts, peak power 600 watts +") is that I wanted the majority of my amplifier dollars to go toward sound quality, rather than watts. And even though I frequently listen to well recorded minimally compressed classical symphonic recordings which reach brief dynamic peaks of close to 105 db at my listening position, I have been very happy with my 70 watt VAC Renaissance amplifier. And perhaps its 30 watt smaller brother would even have been suitable as well, but I wanted to be sure that the margin between necessary power and power capability would be comfortable while not being excessive.
-- Al