Weakest link

How do you determine the weakest link in your set-up without any other equipment on hand?
Let's assume that the system already sounds pretty good and is balanced enough, no junk anywhere in the chain. Fun, isn't it?
Ivan, you are not ranting, this is all good and to the point. I think, you are the first here to mention audiophile instinct, sharpened articulated and generally advanced by listening knowledge and experience. That's very important.
I like this kind of slightly relaxed but well controlled and poweful dynamic sound. I could think of best Conde Hermanos acoustic guitars as an analogy. Heard live only one - played by Paco de Lucia. What a sound.
Thanks for the kind words @inna. 

Wow, Paco de Lucia is definitely one I would love to hear live!
We don’t know, what we don’t know. I think my system sounds good. I have decent components, but I thought my system would benefit from having one power conditioner. I sold my Torus RM-15 and Audioquest Niagara 1000. I purchased a Torus RM-20 and couldn’t be happier. I think the Torus RM-20 allows my system to breath. Consequently it is more detailed and open sounding. Not night and day different, but noticeable. Unless we are willing to experiment we just don’t know what we can improve in our system.
How do you determine the weakest link in your set-up without any other equipment on hand?

As of 2009, I ask my dealer he's always right...Finally!!!