Devialet for Wilson Audio Sasha 2 Speakers

Does anyone have first-hand experience / suggestions using Devialet with Wilson Audio Speakers?

I have a pair of WA Sasha 2 Speakers in a 20' x 26' Room, with good acoustics; I'm considering the Devialet 200, 220, 250 & 400 Models - all have SAM (DSP) Processing for the Sasha 2.
Dave and Troy. Once again---we who value this forum beg you----stop selling your gear here
When you say "we," for whom are you speaking? I think everyone should be able to post their opinions here - within the forum's guidelines, of course.  It's then up to each reader to determine the value of each contributor.

It's not for you or me to police the forums, @gpgr4blu. If you truly think a post is inappropriate, you can click the "report this" link to alert the moderators. I have found them to be quite responsive.

Dear Cleeds,

Thank you. We have had PM by other posters who have found our posts to be beneficial and helpful.

What is unfortunate that many audiophiles are threatened by competing  products which may be better what they personally own. 

In the case of this gentleman he attacks us based on not liking  boss after meeting him at an audio show and being turned off by having to sit through a presentation on the merits of a particular pair of speakers.

We vet our products and test them vs many brands of gear. We are proud of the products we sell, do we sell only the best products vs all other the answer is no. 

Wilson, Focal, Magico, and Rockport all make great speakers so do Paradigm, Kef, and B&W. 

T+A makes great electronics so do Pass, and D'agastino, Solution, and Boulder and many, many others.

We chose T+A based on both dynamite reviews as well as personal testing. 

Thanks again.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ>
I've listened to, but never owned Sasha 2s; however I have owned Sophia 2s, 3s, and Sasha 1s. In addition, I've owned the JR Continuum S2. I agree that the S2 is a bargain and should be a good match for the Sasha 2s.
To all the people complaining when a dealer posts here. "We" is not me. I personally love to hear dealer comments on A'Gon. I find that someone who spends the whole day dealing with audio related issues would have something interesting to say. I actually seek out dealer opinions on the forums and understand there is some bias involved in their posts but I find there is a heck of a lot more bias from non-dealer posts.

I learned about T+A gear on this forum and have actually gone searching for the gear out here in the west coast. I have spoken with the T+A reps at shows and listened to the gear at LA Audiophile Society events. All because a dealer posted here and those post carried some weigh to me.

The MQA demo at the excellent LAAudio show last month was using Wilson Alexa and the HV 3100 integrated (maybe HV 3000). There are a few posts on the internet about this MQA event and the sound. I did not stick around for the MQA demo since I was not interested in the Wilsons and had some other speakers to hear. I listened to ROON software at that demo was not interested in MQA.  That dealer in the past has demoed the same WIlson's with D'Agastino and  Audio Research. 

My next amp for a second office system is going to be one of the following to pair with the Benchmark DAC2:

Benchmark AHB2 (quieter than Devialet and my likely choice) 
Hegal Integrated
Bryston 4B-SST3
T+A HV 3100 (if I can afford some expensive speakers for the office)

I have no problem with Audiotroy posting, because he doesn't hide the fact that he's a dealer. I haven't purchased anything from him yet; however I've talked to him several times. I find him knowledgeable , honest, and a pleasure to have a conversation with. During our conversation he actually suggested that I keep my speakers and tweak my system to make it better. How many dealers would do that?