Would "Sgt. Pepper's" be a better album if.....

....."Within You Without You" was dropped from the LP and Side 2 began with either "Penny Lane" or "Strawberry Fields"? If so, which of these would best kick off the second side?
Yes - love "Within you and without you".  Probably more responsible than anything else for my spiritual quest starting in my teens.  

But beyond that, it really cemented from the first listen that this album was revolutionary.  If you really listen to Sgt Peppers, it hits you that other than "Within you.." "A day in the Life" and maybe "Lucy in the Sky" the rest is pretty much polite Brit-Pop.  (Though as good as it gets).  
The reason SPLHCB is almost always at the top of lists of best albums is because of its originality and great songs and inventiveness for the time and to a large extent it survived very well. It was you could say a benchmark. Actually, now that I think about it, there were really good albums by individual Beatles after they broke up, All Things Must Pass, Lennon and Plastic Ono Band and Band on the Run to name a few.

LSD probably ruined a lot of things but I think true rock and roll as seen in the late 1950’s while still lots of fun was too limited to have a long lifespan hence all the directions rock/pop music went in subsequently, which I view as a good thing delivering a much broader range of musical styles to choose from. That’s progress. Sgt. Pepper was perhaps as much responsible for this as any single album release ever. Hence its fame. Music and recording still holds up pretty well.

While we're talking about changing Sgt.  Pepper, the Taj Mahal (not the dead Trump casino) could use a few improvements as well.   I would not want to live there.