Thanks Bill (whart), and lowrider57, for the kind words.
Dedicated Line Noise Filter?
Question for @jea48 or @almarg ... The sub panel feeder Hot/s, neutral, and safety equipment ground conductor are all fed from the same main panel. If the subpanel (containing breakers for 2 lines) takes a feed of hot, neutral, and safety ground from the main panel, are these 2 new lines truly dedicated? IOW, by tying in to the main panel (which may have shared neutrals and grounds), is there a chance of causing a ground-loop in the new lines originating from the subpanel? |
If the subpanel (containing breakers for 2 lines) takes a feed of hot, neutral, and safety ground from the main panel, are these 2 new lines truly dedicated?Yes, that is how a subpanel should be wired. Provided that the lines go directly from the subpanel to the receptacle used by the components, those are considered dedicated lines. Tying the neutral and grounds together at the main panel is required by code and helps prevent ground loops. |
@lowrider57 - @cleeds has it right- all "dedicated" means for our purposes is that the circuit isn’t being shared by other appliances, switches, lighting, etc. It reduces, but does not in my experience, eliminate, noise from other parts of the electrical system. My set up in NY (which was "permitted," but didn’t follow best practices I later learned), picked up noise from a low voltage light two floors away, and from various plug-in appliances, like a humidifier or hair dryer being used in another part of a large house. I also suffered from a nasty zap over the lines every time my tonearm air compressor motor kicked in- this could have been eliminated by properly separating the lines rather than bundling them. I guess the other reason why one would install a dedicated line is to be sure that you have no competition for current drawn from the same line. I believe that the job done in TX in my new place is far better than the one in NY, based in part on the level of knowledge of the electricians, and my prodding with questions (some of which were helpfully answered by @jea48 along the way). |
Tying the neutral and grounds together at the main panel is required by code and helps prevent ground loops. Thanks, fellas. Good to know that this helps prevent ground-loops. Also relieved that my electrician confirmed his work conforms to code and matches Jea's instructions. BTW, each dedicated line travels separately to a receptacle with the ground wire attached to the outlet...not self-grounded. |