How big should center spkr be to set to "large"?

in the processor, that is?

My center speaker is pretty big as center speakers go, a Paradigm cc570. But it pales in LF response compared to my front L/R. Also, I am not currently using a sub.

I have tried it with the center set to small and large. When center is set to large, the movies seem to lose a lot of overall bass. I have plenty of amp power to the center, 200w.

I would like to set the center to large to get a bigger sound right there in the middle, but perhaps you have to have an even bigger center speaker. But that is going to get really expensive.
I haven't heard a center channel yet that should be set to large (and most don't deserve to be on either).
Set it to small and let the LFE come from the sub.
Set it to small. It lacks sufficient bass extension, as you have found. There are only a very few dedicated centers worthy of being set up as "Large."
I have a center that specs down into the 30hz range and it is a stretch but I do like it better at 60hz than at 80hz, very few will actually spec at full range, even fewer can honestly acheive it.
"bigger sound right there in the middle" can be best achieved by a sub that doesn't even have to be anywhere near the middle. Set up is important but if the sub is crossed at 80hz or below and even half way blended into your system, it's gonna sound like it's in the middle.

That's gotta be alot cheaper than a center speaker that has 12" woofers