How many LP's


I'm thinking of taking a jump to a turntable.......& such

I had 700 albums that I " dumped" when cd's arrived.........
Old BIC turntable 
A big "Stupid" move

Good Analog is " the best", to me


How many albums do you guys have in the " library "?
How many are 45's vs 33's

My thought; as a starter 

Too Blue;

Great answer to all my questions!
but 1 or so

1) How many of " keepers" are 45's?
2) Do the heavy " rotation" ones get boring due to time listened to?
3) New one ---How many hrs do you listen?

Probably 5% are 45, the heavy rotations take care of them selves as new albums are purchased and forces them out and I listen about 100 hours a month.
frozentundra, I really do not seek out 45 rpm albums I am quite fine with 140-180 gram vinyl as they sound awesome with my set up, also since I have cut back on my LP purchases I am screening them better and have had to cull very few. Looked at your system and looks well thought out, I also have a Pass Labs XA30.5 that I rotate in replacing my VTLs about 30%of the time.

I may have some good news for you. The TransFi is a low pressure system, and works on an aquarium pump, which is virtually maintenance free. No oil, no mess. They are also low noise; perhaps, with a good enough box, quiet enough for the listening room, although I prefer outside.

I'vw debated a move to a Wilson like yours.
Does the Pass Labs 30.5  give enough power to run them pretty well?
Do you like the Tube vs SS with your speakers?

I found the CJ tube pre with Pass SS makes a nice synergy.

You have a sweet well blended system, too

& a great mix of cartridges 
