Some Stereo Speakers Appropriate to my Setup and Around $500 or Less (if possible)

Hi.  First post here.  Looks like a good forum.

First, my system:

Denon AVR-1912
Oppo BDP-93

The "home theater" is in a small living room, wood floor with an area rug, plaster walls, the usual furniture: chair, couch, etc.

I've had a cheap Infinity 5.1 speaker set for 10 years or more and they are finally burning out.

My plan is to start with a pair of stereo speakers, as in the old days, for the purposes of listening to music.  Genres are all along the spectrum -- mainly rock, folk rock, singer-songwriter, blues, but also classical and jazz, though not much hip-hop.  Can't say speaker selection would be based on a specific genre.  I want a good, solid, fairly clean pair of stereo speakers for music, but with the option of adding on satellites at a later date for movies that make use of 5.1 and also audio CDs that are mixed for 5.1.  

Is this possible?  Any recommendations for a "decent" pair of stereo speakers for around $500 that would work with my system and room?


Paul Spillenger

 I'm completely biased because I'm not interested in home theater.  however I do enjoy films, and I really enjoy music. If I were in your position, I would spend the entire budget on the front speakers and choose them for their audio principles.  I would be of the position that  the rest of the home theater system doesn't necessarily have to be a perfect match with  the main speakers.   For me, The music is more critical  to get right.  I may even go for some very cheap, old, nearly disposable speakers to fill out the rest of the 5.1 and then update or upgrade them a little later date.  

  Of course this is an extremely biased opinion! However, if you plan to listen to a lot more music than home theater, and you're really interested in top sound  for music, this might not be a terrible approach. 

 Furthermore, as one of the above posters mentioned, there are value speakers by respectable brands that Produce a selection of home theater speakers as well. If you were to start with a pair of Martin Logan electrostatics as your main speakers, you can replace the cheap home theater stand in speakers  with some Martin Logan  speakers in the future  to create an incredible 5.1 system. 
 I think I may have confused this past with another regarding the mention of Martin Logan, however I think it is a perfect recommendation. Some of the older models are quite affordable on the used market, and electrostatics a really detailed!
Have a look on eBay for some  NHT super zeros. If you can find some have been beat up a little bit,  you can acquire them  extremely cheaply,  and they're not terrible for tiny little  speakers!

  Here's a set of three for a steal:
Look at this on eBay:


I use 2-channel for both music and video. In a small room you might find 2 channel satisfactory also. Buy a pair that satisfies you for music. For movies you can add a subwoofer later, which would need not be too expensive. 

Are you willing to purchase used?
Are you wanting floorstanders, or willing to go with monitors on stands?
There is a slightly used pair of B&W 685s for sale here on AG. Price is $435 including shipping. I have a pair in my 2nd system and think them wonderful. Good base extension for size, great soundstage image well, cohesive.