Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil

  •  I'm looking at some porcelain cable lifters to get some power and speaker cable up off the floor.  Does raising the cables off the floor really make a difference? It's going to be about 200 bucks for 10 of them. Thanks.  
"lame pseudo tweak"

-well said

Why not just "get lifted" before listening...
You might be surprised to know that Jonathan Valin, TAS’ chief writer, arrived at the same conclusion about the ceramic lifters. As I recall, he found that they "leeched out" the natural colors of the orchestra.

I don’t know Mr. Wolf, but in literature, the Wolf (except in Indian tribes) is a symbol of chaos (Fenris being the ’big, bad, wolf of Norse mythology). So, Mr. Wolf is fulfilling his symbolic nature. But the wolf is also supposed to  bring wisdom in other cultures. Which one does Mr. Wolf belong to?

Inquiring minds, however, merely want to know if Mr. Wolf has actually tried any of the devices he disparages. Any good scientist DOES the experiment, not disparages the experiment and then looks at results. What experience does Mr. (Big, Bad) Wolf have to present?
Geoffkait, no doubt you're right. There are, I'm sure, many solutions and ways to isolate to 2 hZ. A friend was given the Townshend isolation platform to put into his modest system (which I gave him). 
The Townshend improved his system a whole lot. And his CD player is sitting on top of 3 Nordost Bronze Sort Kones. All I can say is Townshend's platform is so far ahead of the Nordost Sort Kones that it's no contest. A much more "expansive" soundstage is the first effect heard,  And, again, voices sound purer, vastly more expressive. Not that the Stillpoints wren't doing this: they were.  The Townshend is just waaaaaaay better. I just ordered 4 of the cells so I can experiment under my line conditioner, CD player, line stage and amp...
No offence but the Townsend pods appear to be simply a variation of my steel springs which have been around almost as long as dirt. In fact my undamped Super Stiff Springs for heavy TT, amps and subwoofers most likely outperform since damping the springs spoils the sound a smidgen. Everything is relative.
Like others here have stated, thank you for your last few posts. It's so refreshing and uplifting to know your history and endeavors and that everything matters, despite the naysayers harangues. 
(They seemed to have developed into a new breed of trolls.) 👹

All the best,