Amazing Upgrade for Oppo 93/103 and CA Players

There are plenty of modders who do full service on the Oppo players. But I have come across an amazing upgrade that can be done by anyone in 5 minutes.

Dr Lee Jaehong is based in South Korea and makes a replacement linear power supply for the Oppo and Cambridge Audio Blu-ray players.

You just take out the 5 screws for the old SMPS, and drop the new LPM in. Nothing difficult. I actually have a Cambridge Audio BD751, and the upgrade was pretty dramatic for audio and video, in every aspect.

Apparently many are saying this power supply in the Oppo103 takes it past the level of 105, and you get all round better video quality as a bonus.
I finally bit the bullet and got the Furutech IEC replacement with the upgraded Mundorf wire. Simple swap and play. Colors have more pop and there's no more moire effect in some of the Blu Rays that I've noticed before. It was always very minor but now it's gone. I also haven't seen any crush or blocking in the dark areas as well. Again, very minor and not with all Blu Rays but what little there was is now gone.

I keep thinking how could it be but it seems that OPPO, like all makes, builds to a price point and this was a very weak link. I passed on the upgraded power supply with the toroid due to what I've read about complaints on the heat build up. Even the power board supplier offers an upgraded version and mentions it emits less heat than the standard one. If I ever get the OPPO 4K 203 I might try out Clone Audio's power board replacement since FunJoe is very reputable with his Clones line of products and offers it as an accessory (I guess to help make ends meet). 
On another note, the upgraded IEC piece seems to be the same for the OPPO 203 should I go that route. But for now, I can't wait for Black Friday to see how it all looks on the LG OLED I'll be getting.

By the way, a great test Blu Ray is John Wick 2.

All the best,
Hi Agisthos,

You mention disconnecting the power from the audio board if using HDMI. Does this improve the sound quality, and are you able to provide any more detail on how to do this please?

I just found this forum while researching the Hong Kong Basket mod for the bdp-93 .. if that also provides a significant audio improvement through the HDMI output then I think I'll try it out too.

Thanks 🙂