Silly prices for Nordost cables

$38000 for a 2m pair?
$17000 for a 1.5m power cord?
$20000 interconnect for 0.6 meters and only(!) $2000 for an additional 0.5 meter?

I know the debate is tired but this is beyond ridiculous.
never had a chance to compare $38,000 speaker cables to $1000 cables in a $700,000 system...
 I have had the power cords in my system, briefly, not owned by me! They are very good! A 5 to 10% improvement overall. But ridiculously priced! 

Absolutely get it.  The context in which they make buying decisions is just SO different than for (us) working stiffs.  Honestly, though, I don't begrudge them any of it.  Have at it, ladies and gents.  In economics there's a concept called "the velocity of money".  If I were one of these interventionist/socialist types who think it is the role of government to eliminate economic disparity, I wouldn't pass laws about earning too much or possessing too much wealth; rather I'd want to see penalties imposed for not spending some given % of total net worth fast enough!
Just a half-baked idea that'll never come to reforming the tax code. 
If they don't use the $70,000 for a set of cables, they'll just buy a watch or a coat ...
I am not a fan of Nordost, but in their defense, they are not doing anything different from all of the other audio manufacturers.

Just look at most other high end audio companies, electronics, speakers, cables, etc. Everyone's top of the line product today cost 3X-6X the cost of their top of the line product of 10 years ago.
Wages haven't gone up 3X-6X in the past 10 years.

$100K speakers are common place today, as are $50K preamps.

It's not the manufacturers fault either, it's the consumers fault. Dealers are pushing manufacturers to come out with more and more expensive gear, as that is where the customer demand is coming from.

In the end, the manufacturers are only following the demand of the market.
It's more a statement of the increasing separation of economic classes throughout the world than it is a attack on Nordost.