I am with Matt and David on power conditioning. Congrats on your purchase, both of those components are great choices to start off your high end journey.
A dedicated 20 amp circuit would be the first thing I would address but if that’s not possible then I would look at non current impeding power / line conditioners.
Not too long I invested in Nordost QRT system and results are nothing short of amazing. One of the highlights of the QRT system is their modular approach, each products in QRT are cumulative and their effects are best heard when used as a system. I would start off with a QB4 and later add a Qv2 and Qk1 as your budget permits.
And once you settled with these components, I would suggest that you look into upgrading the Main Input and Output tubes on C2600 to something like Mullard or Telefunken. As good as the stock tubes, they are no match to one of these NOS tubes. I have tried Telefunken’s and they are very very good.
BTW, I do own couple of Furutech E-TP80’s. It’s a very good ’starting’ power strip but I wouldn’t recommend plugging your amp into TP80.
One thing I must say, you're now stepping into a territory where you wanna work with people with solid background and experiences. I would choose a dealer that has a consultative approach and not just focused on increasing his sales. I have worked with people that has not shy away from spending hours in guiding me through this journey.
Hope this helps!
I am with Matt and David on power conditioning. Congrats on your purchase, both of those components are great choices to start off your high end journey.
A dedicated 20 amp circuit would be the first thing I would address but if that’s not possible then I would look at non current impeding power / line conditioners.
Not too long I invested in Nordost QRT system and results are nothing short of amazing. One of the highlights of the QRT system is their modular approach, each products in QRT are cumulative and their effects are best heard when used as a system. I would start off with a QB4 and later add a Qv2 and Qk1 as your budget permits.
And once you settled with these components, I would suggest that you look into upgrading the Main Input and Output tubes on C2600 to something like Mullard or Telefunken. As good as the stock tubes, they are no match to one of these NOS tubes. I have tried Telefunken’s and they are very very good.
BTW, I do own couple of Furutech E-TP80’s. It’s a very good ’starting’ power strip but I wouldn’t recommend plugging your amp into TP80.
One thing I must say, you're now stepping into a territory where you wanna work with people with solid background and experiences. I would choose a dealer that has a consultative approach and not just focused on increasing his sales. I have worked with people that has not shy away from spending hours in guiding me through this journey.
Hope this helps!