Look into the Spin clean record washer,
Very easy and quite effective but I did like a different cleaning solution and I used the disc doctors miracle record cleaner.
The spin clean comes with drying towels but I wasn't to crazy about using those and I would blow dry mine with filtered compressed air regulated down to 80 psi,I have my compressor in the garage and would have to do 1 record at a time.
For very dirty records I have used the Walker enzyme pre cleaner with good results and about 4yrs ago I bought and modified a ultrasonic cleaning tank and that worked very good too.
I have recently gone all digital after all these years of being mostly analog and I probably in time will digitize some of my Lp's also.
Look into the Spin clean record washer,
Very easy and quite effective but I did like a different cleaning solution and I used the disc doctors miracle record cleaner.
The spin clean comes with drying towels but I wasn't to crazy about using those and I would blow dry mine with filtered compressed air regulated down to 80 psi,I have my compressor in the garage and would have to do 1 record at a time.
For very dirty records I have used the Walker enzyme pre cleaner with good results and about 4yrs ago I bought and modified a ultrasonic cleaning tank and that worked very good too.
I have recently gone all digital after all these years of being mostly analog and I probably in time will digitize some of my Lp's also.