Cartridge with broken coil wire


I have a Miyabi standard that needs repair. There are 2 fine wires that have be broken where they connect to the output pins. I was told not all retippers will be able to resolder these delicate wires. Could anyone suggest a retipper/repairer that can undertake this task?

I am nor sure whether this was a coincidence or not, but this damage was done about a week after i used the degauss function on my Vida phono stage.

I am based in Australia 

Dear @tooblue : Degaussin a LOMC cartridge always is a risk because the coil wires are tinner than a human been hair.

Degaussin can burn in the coil wire. Sometimes happens and sometimes not depending on the degaussin intensity. Seems to me that the OP degausser is not a safe one and I think he can make a claim to the Vida manufacturer because that item was the culprit. Maybe that function in that Vida phono stage sample is working bad, any way it's a manufacturer responsability and he must pay for the @op cartridge damage.

Best is not use degaussin with LOMC cartridges, at least not with that phono stage.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
I agree with Raul......these connections/coils are very thin and you don't want to zap them.  Some cartridge manufacturers say its ok, but if you don't have their ok........

The only remanufacturer I know is Soundsmith in New York, USA.
Thanks Raul and Stringreen, I was concerned with that issue since I do have that cart in my rotation and do use the Cardas Album to digauss as well as the Aesthetix A CD-1 MC Demagnetizer and have had no issues that I can detect to this point.
I don't think Peter, (SoundSmith) does coil repair. I thought these guys do, but now i'm not sure:

I've used both and had fantastic luck with each.