Tekton Double Impact phase issues?

Showed a photo of the DI's to one of Agon's most respected members and one of the things he said stuck with me. This member had a feeling that there might be phase issues. I am too new to the hobby to be sure what this might be or how such an issue may sound. Am hoping to travel to Houston for an audition at the dealership and want to make sure I know what to listen for in this matter. Are their particular recordings to use that may be able to test this possible phase problem? Many thanks.
Indeed it is Raven Audio I hope to visit if I can ever sell my Salks. Am interested in what the DIs do better than the Liszts.  Can you shed any light on what those who have heard the DIs feel is a lack of refinement? Many thanks, LS
Without knowing the crossover frequency and if all tweeters are driven equally and in phase it is hard to comment on phase of the end result.

The tweeters appear arranged in the space that a 9 inch cone would occupy. So in theory it will radiate approximately like a 9 inch cone but without the characteristic cone breakup and steep roll off at mid range frequency and without any decent LF capability. Since treble frequencies have wavelengths of around 1 inch then there is for sure going to be both constructive and destructive interference between the drivers. However, having such a large quantity of drivers it is quite possible that the interference patterns will tend smooth each other out (at an angle and frequency where one pair of tweeters is interfereing destructively another pair is constructive).

Overall I would expect or guess a fairly even "wall of sound" with a dispersion that is not far off a regular individual tweeter with a possibility of some comb filter effects at the highest frequencies which may give the treble a large spacious feel.

7 tweeters of 6 or 8 ohm variety might present an interesting load if run in parallel and crossed over too low - therefore I expect it is crossed over quite high or above the point where the tweeter impedance typically rises to about 25 ohms or more.

As many have commented, this is a speaker that must be heard but in the absence of availability at local dealers for audition, it would be nice to see some measurements showing off axis response.

Seems like an innovative variation on the Bose multi driver approach and I think Macintosh tried speakers designs like this too....

I'm amazed at how "phase issues" and "comb filtering" have dominated the discussions about these speakers with few actually understanding what it means, or how you would measure it.

The proof of the design is in plots of the on vs. off axis response. Stereophile does these routinely in the vertical and horizontal axis. This is an incredibly easy problem to hear and measure and therefore prove whether the Tekton's are any better or worse than other speakers.

I truly feel bad for the designer who has had to defend his designs against mostly incompletely informed critics.


Before jumping all over people for wondering and asking questions, perhaps some might want to reread the original post and remember what  this forum is for.
FTR, I don’t mean to attack the OP. I find his questions reasonable and fair. I’m now just whining about the general FUD that has been lobbed.

Sorry for the confusion.
