Subwoofer cable

I am going to experiment with my Tyler Acoustics powered sub to help fill in my main speakers (Tyler Acoustics Highland 3.5) and need to purchase a sub cable from my integrated amp to the sub. Since the sub only needs a small signal I am thinking I don't need a high dollar cable or am I going to spring for one. What is a good cable to use for most subs and I am thinking there can't be huge differences in cables for my intended use? Correct me if I am wrong please :)  I was looking at a Monster Cable for around $50 via Amazon.  
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Audioquest also makes several nice inexpensive sub cables. It’s been my vast experience, (not sure about everyone else), that sub cables are really hard to hear a difference with. I’ve tried cables up to $500 and it sounded the same as a $25 cable.

IMHO, don’t spend a lot on a sub cable.
Check out used

They had a pair of DH Labs sub cables for sale not that long ago.  Very inexpensive.

Straightwire has some great cables for this application. Cost effective as well.
I use a Straightwire "Y" Cable for my outdoor home theater system.