14 Year Old Female Drummer

Not sure if you guys have seen any of these, but this chick can really play the drums!




I didn't say she was no good, I said "nothing special", there is a big difference.
tooblue....*L*  'And now a word from our sponsor....'

Y'know, sometimes the obvious escapes us....it does me, and I do try to keep my eyes on the ball lest it hit me upside the head.

I'd like to see these 2 ladies jamb together and become the 'next big thing'....and hope they can avoid the pitfalls that the pop music machine has a nasty habit of grinding talent up with...

Shadorne, no argument from this source....it takes practicepracticepractice and a whole lot of commitment and energy to be able to play like that.

I recognise talent...SOL on being one myself.  Never had the muscle memory or the time to devote, always had to get my butt up and make a living instead of 'maybe git a blister on my finger'.  I'd like to see talent cherished instead of becoming a parody....


...this kind of abuse, which clips us all to some degree...