Why is modern pop music today so terrible?

And, one man’s treasure is another man’s trash. That’s fine with me, I’ve long been out-of-step with many of the musicians I’ve associated with. I couldn’t get the hippies in my 1971 band to listen to my Smiley Smile or Shirelles Greatest Hits albums, or the guitarist in my 1990’s Surf/Instro/Rockabilly/Blues band to my ABBA albums, but I accept that. What I don’t accept is calling the great songs that came out of the Brill Building dreck---they’re fantastic. Brian Wilson---the best songwriter Rock ’n’ Roll has produced (fact, not conjecture ;-)---shares that opinion with me!
bdp24, have you heard the tribute to Doc Pomus CD (I think it's called Save the Last Dance for Me)?  It's got Dylan, Los Lobos, Shawn Colvin, Dr. John, Brian Wilson, B.B. King, Lou Reed and others.  Pretty fine, IMO.

why, because its all rap based, and eboniks teachings. star clear !

i was at my kids school today, and she AXED my child a question. I replied " its asked" she was bent.  too BAD< teach properly !  leaving the school soon me thinks !  F that !!!!!