Tekton Double Impacts

Anybody out there heard these??

I have dedicated audio room 14.5x20.5x9 ft.  Currently have Marantz Reference CD/Intergrated paired to Magnepan 1.7's with REL T-7 subs.  For the vast majority of music I love this system.  The only nit pick is that it is lacking/limited in covering say below 35 hz or so.  For the first time actually buzzed the panel with an organ sacd. Bummer.  Thought of upgrading subs to rythmicks but then I will need to high pass the 1.7's.  Really don't want to deal with that approach.

Enter the Double Impacts.  Many interesting things here.  Would certainly have a different set of strengths here.  Dynamics, claimed bottom octave coverage in one package, suspect a good match to current electronics.

I've read all the threads here so we do not need to rehash that.  Just wondering if others out there have FIRST HAND experience with these or other Tekton speakers

I suppose  that I may assume too much sometimes. I expect that others do recognize that opinion and perspective expressed on open forums are indeed just  "personal" experiences and not proclamations. I’m a fan of good SET amplifiers and appreciate their virtues. It doesn’t go beyond that simple admission and is certainly no decree admonishing everyone to do the same, hardly.
Hey grannyring,

For years when I would read the professional reviews I centered on two aspects over time.  First, what gear was in this reviewer's system, they might think a new piece of gear they were reviewing was great compared to their equipment, but that did not prove it was competitive to other gear that they never had experienced directly.  Secondly, I quickly could figure out their "personal taste" if it jived with mine then I could get a rough gage that I would like it vs the reviewers who had a very different auditory set of desires which meant not for me.  

I believe the major problem with many high-end customers is that they buy the flavor of the month because of EGO and to have the latest/greatest/most expensive gear, therefore if such and such esteemed reviewer raved about it they got to have it.  The purchase has nothing to do about improving the sound of their system or having more enjoyment of the music, but having the biggest "sonic cock on the block" mentality.  These individuals are really struggling with Eric's speakers because "blue collar" audiophiles can now get a pair of speakers that out performs their hideously over priced/hyped speakers.  Their "audio jewelry" has been tarnished before their eyes.  

That sounds great. My schedule has finally settled down and I look forward to getting together when you're back in town. Hearing the Frank's with the MZ2 and DI's will be interesting. I've tried three other tube amps with the MZ2 and much preferred the sound of the MZ2 alone. None of them were SETs though, so I'd very much welcome hearing your Frank's. Give me a shout when you're back in town.

Thanks Al,

Once again your explanations make things so clear and simple.....and make perfect sense to me. I knew it took double the power to produce 3 db more in sound level, so the doubling of power needed to drive a 4 ohm load over an 8 ohm load decreases the sound output by 3 db. Got it, thanks again. 

Thanks to everyone else's responses. While I don't know the science behind much what our audio gear accomplishes, I do know what sound I like and like Terry if the tone/timbre isn't right for me the rest doesn't matter. I used to be a dynamics freak, hence all of the large SS amps I used to own, and at times miss the feeling of a bass drum nearly knocking me over. That's not to say SS amps don't get tone/timbre right, I just haven't come across one that does them as well as a good tube amp with good NOS tubes. Though the First Watt amps intrigue me and hope to hear one.The MZ2's one watt provides everything I could want in sound.....tone, timbre, air, detail, realism, great soundstage, deep and controlled bass, sound levels into the mid 90 db's with peaks over 100..........everything except the bone jarring dynamics and concert level sound levels. I'm sure my relatively small and acoustically treated room plays heavily into that, along with my preference for acoustical music. If I listened to more orchestral or hard rock I'm sure I'd be clamoring for more power. Like many have already stated, there's no right or wrong, just personal preferences. My problem is that I like it all! Need to get my second system with a tube pre and SS amp going soon so that I can move some serious air :)
Kenny, I am not sure....which is pretty wild that I just spent 3k on a product that I have never heard, never seen in person, and I'm not even sure of the woofer size.....  I emailed tekton a few times hoping to engage in a conversation contrasting the sound of the DI with electron given the smaller sized transducers and cabinet.  However they never replied.  So, will wait and see what arrives.  I bought the upgraded electron package so hopefully it has the best possible woofer.  Anyone have an idea on how long it takes them to ship?

I would respond to the email you got when you ordered the Electrons. By responding your email will go to the manager who organizes the orders. Confirm that your order will include the 8" Drivers, if that is what you want.

Eric will most likely install (2) 8" drivers, but he will also install (2) 6" if requested. After talking with Eric we felt it was best to go with the 8" for the extra bass. If you like real tight bass, he recommends the 6" driver, which he can install if you want.

I would estimate the speakers will take 2-3 weeks to make for standard finish. At least that is what I was told just this weekend.

Eric told me over the phone, that he feels the Electrons are just as good as the Di’s.

Also you want to make sure you ear is level with the Middle tweeter. The Electrons cabinet is now 48" tall vs 46". With the Base and the Spikes the tweeter is now 40" high.