Thoughts on Legacy Whisper Speakers

Anyone have a general opinion on the Legacy Whisper and/or what to drive it with? Have a chance at a rather good deal on a pair. Grealy appreciated.

Sincerely, I remain
I owned a pair of Whispers and sold them just because. They have the best midrange I have ever experienced and a really great overall sound. The bass doesn't go into the extreme lower levels but it didn't concern me. I replaced them with the Quad 989's. They are great too but still a bit short on the midrange compared to the Whisper. I have owned Apogee, Wilson Watt/Puppy 3/2, Witts, ML Quest Z'z, Eggleston Andras, and the Quad 989. The Whispers are the only ones I really miss. I drove the Whispers with a Levinson 331. They are very easy to drive and placement is not as critical as most speakers. They sound really good even at low volumes.
Thanks Ljgj, you have quite a reference list to compare them to. I like them because I am a midrange listener myself. Give me a speaker that's really sweet in the 300k-3000k or maybe even up to 6000k range and I'm happy.

Tireguy, will you help me move them up to the third floor?

Sincerely, I remain
I auditioned them at some length and was impressed at the
time. Ultimately I went with the Dunlavy Signiture 5(s) and
invited the manager of the store where I auditioned the
Whisper speakers. This was a somewhat difficult situation
for him in that the Dunlavy(s) blew the Whisper away in every possible way including the vaunted midrange for which
they are famous. Legacy Audio is a maverick in the
world of high-end audio. Please do yourself a favor and
find a way to do an 'apples-to-apples' coparison with
some of the speakers that have had to hold-up to world-
class competition. The manager of the store sadly agreed
to this oppinion by evening's end.
All Legacy speakers sound best when driven with a S.S. high current amp, however tubes could be used also. I used my CJ Premier 11-A tube amp (70 watts) with great success. Sounded as good if not better than with my S.S. high current amp. If it's a good price, I personally don't think you could go wrong with the Wisper. Some would also tell you, I'm also quite often clueless, but I beg to differ...I think :-).
I ultimately biamped mine with an EAR 534 on top and the Levinson 331 on the bottom with the Whisper box hooked to it via a Mcintosh C42 preamp - I later switched the Levinson to a Mcintosh 352 which had a smoother sound in my opnion.