RE best speakers made? uh... nope. Probablay not.
In Good Fellas Peci confronted another uy about his commentary on 'funny'. Funny How?
best ever how? Value? estehtics? materials? Performance alone? etc.
I’ve noticed the greatest percentage of the time, and I mean, like 90 -97% of the time, the retail price on the high end audio device is pretty close to how it performs. Of course, ultra ultra high end stuff has a different measuring stick.
Example, $10K speakers are usually better than $5K speakers. I don’t have to know a lot more initially than what playing field things are on financially. Eventually I will need to become more vested.
I usually look for a great sound first. Normally it means there is a good setup happening. It means too, the speakers are most capable and removed from further suspicion of being a weak link.
I try to listen in as close to the speakers as I can get, reasonably. Staying just a few feet away, and it doesn’t matter much as to which speaker. Although I will do the same thing with both. I’m only looking for tonality, richness, naturalness, speed. Nothing from the staging. Not looking for imaging. Listening for what low end extension is or may be there.
I’m trying to remove the room as much as I can from the sounds the speaker can generate. If, when, or where ever possible. This routine isn’t likely done at a group showing I’m pretty sure.
If a setup using the same speakers repeatedly sounds bad or just off in a few areas, it is hard to decide what is amiss.
But it only takes one instance of speakers providing great sonics to indicate it is not the fault of the speakers when they are not sounding great. Speakers can be bi polar “di ploes’, but they are not manic. They are merely the true slaves of a system.
Great speakers tell us what is happening up stream. The room thru the speakers is telling you how much they are being held back or up, or supported.
I don’t feel bad rooms make great speakers sound bad. Bad rooms make great speakers not sound as good as they could or should.
The real issue is applying appropriate blame.
Abrupt run in periods, bad power, mismatched amps & speaker combos, these items can really adversely affect speaker performance regardless the room.
If all 3 facets of the demonstration are at odds, poor amp to speaker match, power line issues, and unfriendly room are present, chances are the presentation ain’t gonna be good despite the expense of the various products..
Traveling gear takes time to reacquire its legs. Posts have been made on these pages reflecting such things as altitude making or forcing chages to the equipment. I’ve noticed too, merely mixing in and out various ICs can take a full day for them to resettle in.
If one stops to really consider all the various factors that need to fall in line for a recently arranged and ‘temporary’ audio system to perform great, well, it’s a mix of good stuff, lots of exp, a bit of luck, and if it all comes off sounding great, my hat’s off to whomever formulated the setup..
I would prefer to have my gear setup as a static display, if the sound of it all playing was not on par with its usual nature.