Duevel's "Venus "Speaker or Shaninian's "Obelisk". Which offers the best sound quality?

This thread might rehash, the old argument of Omni directional speakers vs tradition forward firing box speakers.

However, the main question  is which speaker:... the  Duevel's "Venus" speaker or the Shaninian "Obellisk"  offers the best or most CONVINCING sound quality??.  

 Also, if anyone knows how either might compare to any of the older Audio Physic speakers, like the Virgo I and II, the Libra, Tempo I.... or even the more current  AP Scorpio 25.

Thank you,  S.J 


Polarin, Thank you the information and comments. There is a pair of Obelisks on sale on U.S.Audio  Mart and one (I think) on Audiogon

You are right of Duevel having a "small footprint" in the U.S.  I would amend that to almost no footprint. I e-mailed Marcus Duevel 3 X times in Germany about the "Venus" model and warranty service areas. I have yet to get an answer.  To me, this is just bad customer service which is always a red flag to me. I even  contacted their Canadian distributer, Pascal Ravich  who he claims he is now retired and has no information about  Duevel or their products  Their pricing, (like Audio Physic) is inflated and may be the reason they have little traction in the U.S.   

Shahinian seems more accessible, but you are correct, their prices are off the scope. At the same time, I am sure no member wants to throw away money buying a USED speaker, they may not like or come to dislike, especially Omni's  whose sound is often been considered problematic 

BTW, were you able to purchase Duevel "Planets" speaker in the USA,  or from an international dealer??

Thank you for the response.


I must've been the last person to deal with Pascal as he was traveling quite extensively and had mentioned he was getting ready to hang em' up.  I was a bit reluctant to purchase the Duevels through a Canadian distributor that I knew nothing about, but after speaking with Pascal I decided to pull the trigger. Plus, it did't hurt that the Canadian exchange was very attractive at the time, I paid about $1,100 U.S. (Dec 2016). I read everything I could find on the Planets and hadn't seen a single negative thing written about them. Prior to the Planets I was running Ohm Walsh 3's as I've grown accustomed to the omni sound, but the wife and I are empty nesters now and we just moved in to our new condo which is very modern and the old Ohm's looked pretty out of place.  Now that I have a dedicated "man-loft" (Maggie's) our main great room system doesn't have to be the last word in resolution.  I can see you're in a bit of quandary as it seems that Marcus doesn't seem too interested in expanding his interests here in the states which sucks for you as the whole Duevel line has gotten rave reviews.  Keep us posted as to what you find out...

Polarin, Thanks for the additional  comments.  I read a review of the Duevel "Enterprise" on the internet blog "Enjoy the Music" by Paul Candy. one of their senior editors. I ask him if he knew anything about what Duevel is up to, and if he has any contact info on them.  I will let you know if he replies.

In the meantime, the quest continues......  

Good Luck with your new digs.  SJ.

I've a pair of Planets and Bella Lunas. The Venus are middle ground.
Both sets of speakers are great sounding.
Planets are great bang for buck, the BL are another league.
I've not heard the venus but they're on my list.
Running the BL on the Duevel Shuttle amp.

I'm based in the UK.



I guess I would like to respond to this post, to give my own take on Duevel here in the US. My first e-mail to Pascal of Mutine/Canadian distribution for North America, somehow never made it to him. After a single e-mail to Duevel themselves, they in turn, got in touch with Pascal immediately, and Pascal then got in touch with me.

In a matter of a couple of days, and great correspondence with Pascal and a quotation, I now have a pair of Maple veneered Venus on order, set to be delivered early to mid June timeframe. I have no reason to doubt that anything is amiss with Mutine nor impending delivery of my Venus.

I will follow up on this thread once I do take delivery, but for now, all I can say is that Pascal was extremely great to deal with, but also, I knew what I wanted and didn't waver over decisions or give that "let me think about it" for weeks or months on end. If you are interested in Duevel, not that just price alone should be a deterrent of course, it should be the music, but now is a very favorable time to do so with regard to the US dollar. FWIW....

Certainly it would be nice to have dealers located here in the US, whereby you can just buy a pair and go on with things, but then again, I also like that my pair was made to order just for me. Some things are worth the wait, but we live in such an instant gratification society these days...anyway...off the soapbox, follow up in due time.