What a hell is "Refined Contact Needle" of the Fidelity-Research FR-7F (made in 1980) ?
According to the manual for FR-7F:
"A unique refined contact needle which specially polished a solid 0.15 mm square solid diamond is adopted as a needle tip. The refined contact needle is a new system that combines the advantages of the line contact needle and the merit of the elliptical needle, making it less susceptible to adverse effects (noise etc.) due to warping of the disk and dust of the sound groove. Also, scratch noise and surface noise are extremely low, so you can obtain playback sound with high clarity and no fatigue."
So the stylus of the Fidelity-Research FR-7F is not conical, but some sort of Line Contact in stock condition ?
If it's not conical, i wonder why @halcro said it's conical and even re-tipped his sample with Axel (to have Line Contact) ?