Chakster, That is how ''general opinion'' works. One does not
believe his own eye in order to follow the so called ''custom''.
I looked many times to my sample and assumed that a former
owner retipped the original ''conical'' with ''line contact'' stylus.
However in contradistinction to you I was more intriqued with
the question why Mitch Cotter has chosen FR-7f for his celebrated
TT and even made his own SUT for the precious? But my wondering
was based on two assumptions which may be not true. The first
was the conical stylus and the second that FR-7fz sounds much
better. Besides the ''fz''' has more ''modern'' stylus and has more
admirer than the ''f''. I obviously followed the convention by
which ''more admirers'' means that they are right in the sense of
majority rule (grin). I consider my FR-7fz as one of my best carts,
second to none, and still wonder how this can be possible with
a cart from the 80is? BTW Dertonarm advised me 10 years ago
to try one of those FR-7 kinds but I was very reluctant to do so
because I thought that I would need separte SUT for each of
my MC carts (+40). When I got my Denon AU-S1 which covers
2-40 Ohms I bought more Ikeda's carts instead of SUT's.