So one thing can be certainly said, those speakers will color the sound, and change the music from what the artist intended.
This is not necessarily a bad thing as one can argue that hifi is getting things better than the original recording. Of course that's a preference.
It's common for some hifi brands to voice a rising response from 2-7k to give the speaker it's over detailed sound. The "I'm hearing things in the recording that I've never heard before" is a clue that you are listening to boosted speakers. A dip in the presence zone from 7-8k helps the speakers "disappear."
IMO, this is part of the fun of hifi. If we wanted super accurate speakers, we would be talking about our Genelec Studio monitors, which were probably used in the studio by the recording engineers. But these speakers are no fun to listen extra sparkles, dips, or sweetness.
At the end of the day, the recording engineers go home and listen to the sweet lies of their hifi systems.