What type of Audio Gal or Guy are you? Do You Know?

Leaving this open ended for members to share their own definitions, categories and thoughts and stories.

So:  What type of Audiophile / Music Lover / Audio Gal or Guy are you?

- Can you specifically define it or do you find yourself falling within a range or multiple categories?

- What are these categories or groups?

- Was there a Eureka moment? If you have figured it out, when and how did it happen?

- Do you have any stories about things getting out of hand? Interventions? How did you rein yourself in?
- If you are not an Audiophile, how do you prefer to describe your interest in and pursuit of music and audio?

- Has "Know Thyself" helped you in your audio journey? How? 


***Let's Have Some Fun With This!***
It's all about the music. Your system doesn't have to measure perfect, it just has to sound good.

I am the normal kind of audiophile. Never satisfied, but enjoying every minute of it.  
I'm a music lover first. A great sounding system can add to my enjoyment of the music, but it is not a necessity for my musical enjoyment.

I will always choose a great song/music over a great system. Having both is magical......