Thanks for the link to the tube amp site Kenny. Does he build point to point or with circuit boards? Like the amps and prices. Not a fan of circuit boards in tube amps and thus my question. His amps remind me of Dennis Had’s amps. Dennis builds his himself all point to point wired. Works of art!
Second, Hammond output tranny? I have used them and they are OK, but....
SS rectification is a great way to go with your speakers. Typically SS rectification yields better bass performance. Always exceptions, but in general I have found SS rectification best in tube amps.
Will your custom amp use different output trannys?
Second, Hammond output tranny? I have used them and they are OK, but....
SS rectification is a great way to go with your speakers. Typically SS rectification yields better bass performance. Always exceptions, but in general I have found SS rectification best in tube amps.
Will your custom amp use different output trannys?