unity gain active tube preamp?

Short version: I am looking for a unity gain active tube preamp. The only one I have found on-line is the Audion line (Premier 2.0 is more or less in my price range). Not really familiar with them. I was wondering whether there were other preamps like this worth considering???

Longer: I have a Lampi Atlantic Plus Balanced DSD only dac, a Cary SLP-05 pre, a Modwright KWA-150se power amp, all driving Aerial Model 9 speakers. This combination has too much gain (Lampi has 3v output voltage, Cary maxes at 2v). I am using Endler attenuators to control the gain (before pre works better than before power), but they impair dynamics.

Some on the Lampi Circle recommend a passive, but I prefer a richer tone. The Tortuga pre sounds like it might work, but it is an impedance mismatch for my system and I would need to use their tube buffer as well. That buffer would require me to use another set of ics and possibly another PS (more damn boxes) and i don't really want to go that route. Also, their buffer is brand new and lacks the clear positive feedback of their passives.

So, I had been told that there were zero gain active tube press that might work for me. However, when i did a search I could only find the one. Please let me know if there are other options.

Thanks much.
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The musica Bella looks nice but has 15.5 D'bronx gain. I am looking for zero gain. Thanks.
Audio Research has been using it for years. I have had it an LS26 and now my REF5, and find theirs to be the easiest to switch to. I looked at other brands and they have it, but complicate the switching from 2 channel to unity gain. Audio Research just lets you press "proc" on the remote un-mute and your in. It automatically mutes when you press it. As a longtime McIntosh owner, their instructions, to my understanding, call for turning the unit off and on in processor mode. I think Cary is similar.
if looking used, and LS26 or Ref3 have it, I am not sure about prior units.
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