Back to tommylion’s posts re: the use of digital 75ohm terminator caps, I tried a BNC 75ohm terminator on the unused BNC input of my Exogal DAC and could hear no audible improvement. Tried a RCA 75ohm terminator cap ($1) on my Modwright5400ES player’s unused s/pdif digital output and heard a reduction in the noise floor. I think that Al (almarg) said that the improvement from 75ohm terminators would be greatest on digital outputs vs inputs and I found that to be true.
Also tried RCA shorting caps on the unused analog inputs on my Ayre preamp and heard no effect, but using same on the unused analog inputs of my Onkyo digital processor (HT system) I did hear a reduction in glare. Likely due to the difference between the quality of input isolation of the Ayre vs the Onkyo.