Legacy Audio Focus SE compared to the Legacy Aeris Speakers

I am looking for owner opinions of the Legacy Audio Focus SE speakers compared to the Legacy Aeris speakers from a sound quality perspective.  I am considering either of the 2, but have to wait another 5 weeks until a new local dealer will have their showroom ready for display.

I've had the Legacy Signature III's in the system for many years now. Why Legacy stopped making the Signature III's is beyond me. Its a great speaker. If it were not for my smallish room dimensions, I'd own the Legacy Focus ... the old ones, not the new ones. 

Not an owner, but the two times I heard the Aeris, I was reduced to a drooling, gelatinous mess.  Absolutely gorgeous sound in every respect I could think of, and these were audio show demos in a hotel room.  No experience with the Focus, but if I had the coin, the Aeris would be in my top 5 speakers from which to choose from.

I owned the SE's for a couple of yrs and they are a good speaker for sure but I agree with what has already been said about the Aeris those play on a completely higher level.I almost bought a pair myself but at the time I really wanted to try the Full Range thing.

Tekton makes some good speakers also and you may want to check into them.

Most importantly get out and listen and go where your ears take you.

Best of luck to you,
I'm a simple guy, so I REALLY wish Legacy would release a passive Aeris that you could just hook up to an amp and crank it up.  They could always include a bass attenuation switch like they do with their other speakers.  The issue for me is the Wavelet room correction system, which I don't seem to completely trust.  I've seen it used a couple times, and it can get a bit complicated.  And you can get quite different readings from the system.  I heard the Aeris one time, and all the mid-bass energy had been sucked out by the setup procedure.