Help with room treatments

I’m wanting to add some treatments to my listening space. I’ve reached out to GIK and ASC. GIK is proposing more treatments than ASC (reflection points, diffusers on back wall, bass traps in corners and behind speakers). ASC has only recommended tube traps in the corners and treatment at reflection points.

The ASC traps alone are more expensive than all of the combined treatments GIK is suggesting.

Has anyone used treatments from either  of these companies? Do you feel the ASC traps are worth the added expense?
Also check out ATS Acoustics, Piper City, Illinois. Check out their web site and give them a call. Very helpful personnel and fair pricing. They offer DIY and completed traps, diffusers, and panels.

I am not afilliated, just a purchaser of their products.
Above advice to start slow, add until you reach "saturation" and then back off is on target. Any seller that suggests buying a ton of traps to start with is to be avoided, a la Ethan "Mr. Anechoic Chamber" Winer.

are so many room problems the topic should probably be broken up into a number of subtopics.And the number of audiophile devices that have been introduced to combat all those problems has grown as a consequence. you got your Echo Tunes, Corner Tunes, Mpingo Discos, Skyline diffuser, Tube Traps,s, Helmholtz resonators, crystals, Marigo VTS dots,SteinMusic devices, Schumann resonators, PWB devices, etc.
I think the point of the thread was just who to spend money with.

Simple topic. Simple answer: GIK.

More on this, I recently went to the California Audio Show in Oakland. ASC was a sponsor. Rooms were terrible sounding. Midrange sucked right out of them, and yeah, almost 100% tube traps.  Could not wait to get home.

Only a couple of rooms had modest treatment, those sounded the best to my ears.


Speaking of the homemade bass traps, I have about 15 of them that I'd love to give away.  They make a huge difference in a room.  They're the Risch style fiberglass insulation, wire fence, high loft polyfill and burlap.  If anybody wants to experiment this is a chance to do it for next to nothing.  The hard part is that they're bulky and you'd need to pick them up here in a northern Chicago suburb.  Some of them look fine, a few are a little rough.  They could be easily recovered or just stacked and then covered with a blanket or something.  There are a lot of ways they could be dressed up to look how you want them. 

They are all cylinders, not all exactly the same size.  There's a uHaul about 2 miles from here.  You could rent a 10 foot truck for $20 plus mileage to take them home in. 

I spent a lot of time and a few grand building these 10-15 years ago.  I've got little kids now and this isn't the priority it once was.  I just moved, got rid of my storage unit and now I'm looking for a home for these.  It's a great opportunity for someone with the interest and space.  Any takers?