Why is modern pop music today so terrible?

“The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.”
 Hunter S. Thompson
Actually "church people" were among the greatest admirers of Mozart.
His many religious works were treated for what they were , sublime masterworks .
MTV awards last week were God awful musically. My teenage daughter even agreed. The focus is increasingly more on spectacle to try to make the various celebrity clones more interesting. I guess that’s the only way to get any attention in the watered down and glutted entertainment world these days.

Wait, hey do I ever sound like my parents when I was a kid now......
Good stuff, Trans. They just got too good figuring out how to squeeze money out of art and in the process squeezed all the life out of it. Early on, a little "squeez" was okay. Great HST quote, btw. Further commentary on the topic from Joe Jackson’s "Rain", Track 1 - Invisible Man.

I do remember, "Yummy, yummy, yummy....". In case you want to get re-adquainted (at the risk of self-inflicted ear-worm for a day or two)....


We were making judgements about authenticity even then. Ohio Express didn’t pass the test as I recall, BUT ignoring the dopey lyrics...this bit of fluff IS pretty well constructed. Have to admit I’m a sucker for hooky pop with harmonies.

Speaking of which. Here’s another good one

Cowsills, on the strength of this hit, maybe not viewed as authentic either, but probably a mistake. Legit musicians as it turns out.

I don’t have kids and don’t do social media (I’m waiting for them to come out with Anti-social media and then maybe I’ll sign up) so clueless about how things work nowadays. Appreciate the information. Wasn’t Def Leppard also one of those contrived bands put together solely for making money? Never cared for them. Supertramp too a millionaire’s investment vehicle based on what I’ve read. Them I liked (and still do). So corporate creation music stars ain’t really new. Just somehow more annoying the older and more crotchety I get.

Peter, Paul and Mary were thrown together.  So were the Monkees.  That's not the problem--it's a matter of:  is the music good?  It doesn't matter how it originated.  Again, there's good stuff out there, but it's not likely made by the people who get all the attention in the media.