Current speaker threads are boring

Almost no talk regarding great speakers, just some endless midlevel stuff. Why is that?
For me, if I've got the scratch to buy $50k+ speakers I know the candidates that interest me and don't need any help deciding, so I'm not asking here.  Also, I'd guess that once speakers at this level are bought they aren't changed all that often (shipping cost, risk,  and hassle make it relatively onerous versus, say, an amp) so less likely to hear from this group, and this just gets us back to point one anyway.  Last, I'm not really gonna get on here and talk about how my megabuck speakers sound.  Duh.  They sound awesome, and I'm a rich, arrogant prick.  I'd like to hear more about these speakers here too in case I win the lottery or my kids don't go to college, but I'm not holding my breath.  

Much more likely to hear from someone who owns these speakers looking to maybe change their amp or pre to tweak the sound one way or another, which is probably why there's more discussion about higher end electronics, etc.  Anyway...

Hi Inna,
    I read your post that you were talking about "Truly Great Performing Speakers"  not necessarily the mega buck stuff only...
A thread that goes off of your lead,  something like

How much does the price have to do with Truly great,  mid level performance or Mediocre speakers.

My last several pair of speakers, have been my builds and I haven't gone to any shows in maybe 18 months, so I may not be qualified to comment on the very latest and greatest,  but that should stir some interest.
There is no need for definition, when you hear it you know it.
I like this " I am an arrogant prick " line.
Choice of speakers is very personal so the discussion would also become very personal.
Of all elements of the chain speakers are the closest to instruments and in fact are the easiest to evaluate. You don't need a lot of time to know.
As for the what'sbest forum, I don't participate there but read some from time to time. The last time I read about Echole cables.
It also appears that many people here view this forum as a free consulting service. I think, it is only part of it and not the most important part. 

Inna, you should start a Thurston Howell III audio site where rich pricks can freely discuss their wares without fear of retribution from commoners or Tekton DI owners. 

@soix , if you have that kind of scratch lying around, do yourself a favor and inquire around at the next audio show you go to. At the LA audio show they had a pair of Lumenwhite speakers that normally go for $70K and the show price for the pair was $45K. It doesn't hurt to ask. 🤔

All the best,